As a child, Daniela Craciun learned to cook by working alongside her mother. "Growing up in Communist Romania was always challenging when it came to putting food on the table, but at my mother's side I learned to be creative," she says. "Eventually I learned the joy of smiling faces when it became my responsibility to cook for our family, while my mother was at work."
Daniela knows how important what we put into our bodies is, which is why medical freedom is so important to her. "My foremost principle to cooking is making healthy dishes from scratch, using only the freshest ingredients, just as I learned from my mother," she says. "Although I can't grow my own ingredients like my family did, I buy only from local farms so I know exactly what is going into my dishes."
She grew up in Communist Romania, where there wasn’t such a thing as freedom, let alone medical freedom. At 26 she moved to Bologna, Italy and began her formal training in Northern Italian cuisine. "I spent years overcoming many obstacles of allergies and special dietary needs, but it deepened my knowledge and allowed for a more diverse group of people to enjoy my food." Moving to the United States at age 35 opened her eyes to all the civil liberties that Americans possess. She is now a very vocal activist in her community fighting to protect the liberties we hold as Americans.
In 2016, Chef Daniela created Amo Cucinare, LLC, which provides healthy catered food products to people looking to improve the way they live and eat. The company's goal is to educate its customers, enhance good eating habits, replace bad habits, and raise awareness regarding nutrition and organic elements.
Daniela has been featured in Florida Weekly, Naples News and most recently seen on Fox 4 News. You can also find her on