Each candidate was sent the following message. Their responses are below. For some of the candidates that we had met with previously, a summary has been written on some of the topics of concern.
As a cofounder of Parents for Informed Choice SWFL, we have a number of supporters who are still on the fence on who to vote for. Their biggest concern are the issues surrounding medical freedom. In order to provide supporters with accurate information we were wondering if you could provide your stance on the following questions below.
Given the impacts of COVID 19 and what took place as precautionary measures, what do you feel the government's role should be in regards to individual healthcare, and why do you hold that opinion? In other words, does the government have the right to mandate individual healthcare?
Do you support legislation that would mandate certain healthcare practices in order for children to attend public school and adult rights to employment- including psychological examination, a mandatory vaccination schedule, or any other medical procedure?
How do you plan to address any privacy and constitutional violations in regards to contract tracing as it relates to Covid-19?
Thank you for your participation!
Parents of Informed Choice SWFL is neither supporting or endorsing these candidates. Each candidate that was listed as active at the time of correspondence was contacted with the same message.
Not all candidates have responded.
We will continue to follow up and post the responses as they are received.

Byron Donalds
Given the impacts of COVID 19 and what took place as precautionary measures, what do you feel the government's role should be in regards to individual healthcare, and why do you hold that opinion?
The federal government has no role in an individual's healthcare. It is not an enumerated power in the US Constitution. Furthermore, government policy is simply not nimble enough to address all of the health concerns of people. In other words, does the government have the right to mandate individual healthcare? The federal government does not have the right to mandate health care.
Do you support legislation that would mandate certain healthcare practices in order for children to attend public school and adult rights to employment- including psychological examination, a mandatory vaccination schedule, or any other medical procedure?
I do not support legislation that supports that.
How do you plan to address any privacy and constitutional violations in regards to contract tracing as it relates to Covid-19?
This is an issue that state legislators need to handle, not members of Congress. This is because it is the state department's of health under the direction of the Governors that are implementing contact tracing.
Byron has attended both the Cape Coral City Council Meetings as well as the Fort Myers City Council meetings to speak up against the mandatory mask mandates and has publicly shared his stance on that particular subject.
In addition, on June 2, two members of PICSWFL attended an event where the candidates for Congressional District 19 joined an event where the candidates were asked specifically “Where do you stand on limiting the power of the federal government, concerning healthcare decisions, including mandatory vaccination.”
If you forward to 1:11:46 you can view the question and response from the candidate
To see more about Byron Donalds see his website : https://www.byrondonalds.com/