Each candidate was sent the following message. Their responses are below.
As a cofounder of Parents for Informed Choice SWFL, we have a number of supporters who are still on the fence on who to vote for. Their biggest concern are the issues surrounding medical freedom. In order to provide supporters with accurate information we were wondering if you could provide your stance on the following questions below.
Do you support mandating a mask in public places? If So Why?
Do you support local government being able to shut down a business like we witnessed with the COVID pandemic?
Thank you for your participation!
Parents of Informed Choice SWFL is neither supporting or endorsing these candidates. Each candidate that was listed as active at the time of correspondence was contacted with the same message.
Not all candidates have responded.
We will continue to follow up and post the responses as they are received.

Bill Truex -District 3 (Unopposed)
Thank you for your email, I appreciate your request but will inform you that I was duly re-elected without opposition on June 12 when no other candidate qualified to run.
As to the freedoms of the public, a very good question, local governments do have authority to impose certain restrictions in a time of emergency. I feel it is a violation of personal liberties but in fact it is allowed under the U.S. and Florida Constitutions as I understand. I am not in favor of a mandate but have been called everything in the book including a murderer for not mandating masks at this point in Charlotte County. Additionally, masks diminish the ability to breath by reducing the amount of oxygen one can inhale and increasing the amount of carbon dioxide one inhales. I have read this on various occasions. Also, they have a tendency of actually increasing the spread by the increase of other risky behaviors such as touching your face more frequently and reducing hand sanitization due to the false sense of security of wearing a mask. It is said we touch our face 15-23 times per hour so increased touching and reduced hand washing could lead to the spread of the virus. I am not a scientist and can only report what I read and what I see. What I see over the past several weeks is exactly that, increased touching and potentially spreading the virus. For me, it is very easy to say stay away if I don't have a mask on and I will do the same.
As to closing down businesses, I believe that to be unconstitutional as well. Charlotte County has not ordered any closings but the Governor has and it has been costly for many of our residents and workers. I suggest they follow the orders but the Commission nor the Administration have enforcement powers, those belong to the Sheriff.
Finally, I believe enforcement efforts for these are a waste of our resources. I believe that individuals should operate responsibly according to their concerns, in some cases fears. If immunocompromised, I would wear a mask. If I had other underlying conditions that make me more high risk, I would wear a mask. If I am healthy and I am, I would not choose to wear a mask unless the situation of being in close proximity to many people was imminent, I might wear a mask.

Joe Tiseo-District 5 (Unopposed)
Currently no response

Ken Doherty- District 1(Unopposed)
No Response